The Aam Aadmi Party’s national spokesperson – and Rajya Sabha member – Sanjay Singh had a heated discussion on Tuesday with a Republic TV reporter. While the journalist was determined to get an answer to his question on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Singh kept asking him why the channel did not report on the BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand being accused of rape.

“Why is Arnab Goswami scared? Why is your channel scared of a rapist?” Singh asked the question repeatedly, while the journalist stuck to his question on Kejriwal. “The world has seen the stories that we have run on our channel,” he told Singh a few times.

The altercation went on for a few minutes, with Singh accusing Republic TV of being a “BJP channel”. Singh eventually stepped away, telling the reporter to “stand with rapists and be happy”.

An ordinary Google search reveals that while the news channel has carried a few reports on its website, the television coverage of the Chinmayanand issue, the primary platform of the organisation, appears to have been minimal.


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