Watch Ellen DeGeneres’s ‘non-apology’ after her controversial photograph with George W Bush
Previously an LGBTQ icon, DeGeneres is now being criticised by the community for defending her friendship with the former American president.
Yes, that was me at the Cowboys game with George W. Bush over the weekend. Here’s the whole story.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) October 8, 2019
After American comedian – and outspoken liberal – Ellen DeGeneres was photographed on Sunday at an American football game, laughing alongside former United States president George W Bush, her loyal following – many of whom are from the LGBTQ community – was extremely upset. In response, DeGeneres posted what some are calling a “non-apology” video (above).
In the statement, DeGeneres professes that she is friends with many people who have differing beliefs, and gives the example of befriending people who wear real fur, while this isn’t something she personally endorses. Many are criticising this comparison, arguing that Bush has actively fought against the rights of LGBTQ community, and naming him a “war criminal” over the US’s invasion of Iraq during his term as president.
A video edit of her statement, with clips of bloodshed in Iraq in the background has also gone viral.
Ellen DeGeneres and her show has censored and pulled this video by @rafaelshimunov citing copyright issues.
— Suchitra Vijayan (@suchitrav) October 9, 2019
Few things to note, Bush is a war-criminal who lied, tortured, droned and destroyed nations and its people.
Second, satire is legally protected.
Share widely.
Ellen DeGeneres tried to have my video censored by Twitter using a false copyright claim. Now, people are risking their Twitter accounts to reupload it until it goes viral.
— rafael (@rafaelshimunov) October 9, 2019
re-posting this video made by @rafaelshimunov, which Ellen DeGeneres has repeatedly filed copyright claims on and tried to have removed from Twitter (even though it's fair use). Guess she doesn't want people to remember all the things her "friends" have done.
— Zachary Sire (@ZacharySire) October 10, 2019
Sorry, until George W. Bush is brought to justice for the crimes of the Iraq War, (including American-lead torture, Iraqi deaths & displacement, and the deep scars—emotional & otherwise—inflicted on our military that served his folly), we can’t even begin to talk about kindness.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) October 9, 2019
“But missing the point entirely, DeGeneres framed the issue as simply a matter of her hanging out with someone with different opinions, not a man repeatedly accused of being a war criminal.”
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) October 8, 2019
Ellen believes George W Bush is just a person with different beliefs than her. George W Bush believed there were “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq leading to an illegal war & the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. DIFFERENT BELIEFS.
— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) October 10, 2019
For decades, Ellen DeGeneres has been the sunny representative for a brighter world we might all live in if we were kinder to one another. But that imagined utopia seems increasingly out of touch with reality
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) October 8, 2019
imagine being paid this much money to not understand the difference between being friendly and kind to your neighbors and co-workers who just share different politics, and using “kindness” to absolve a formerly powerful man who used that power for ill.
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) October 10, 2019
i miss the old ellen
— Jill Gutowitz (@jillboard) October 10, 2019
time magazine ellen
that anne heche ellen
red carpet serve ellen
i hate the new ellen
the george bush ellen
the too rich ellen
be nice to villains ellen
i miss trailblazer ellen
LGBT ellen
i gotta say at that time I'd like to meet ellen
*on ELLEN*
— sadvil (@sadvil) October 8, 2019
ELLEN: so I heard you love dead iraqis
(elevator doors open, the blood of millions pour out)
BUSH: omg ellen you didn't
Queer activist, writer, and Delhi University PhD and gender studies professor Vikramaditya Sahai posted a thought-provoking thread on the outrage against the picture of DeGeneres and Bush “as symptomatic of our obsession with representation over materiality.”
While I have many things to say about the #ellenapology video, especially about the equation of opinion and speech, free and injurious, and so on; i feel it’s equally significant to discuss our outrage as symptomatic of our obsession with representation over materiality.
— vqueer (@vqueeram) October 9, 2019