MPPSC SSE, SFS Prelims 2020 answer key released; raise objections at
MPPSC has released the provisional answer key for the State Service Exam (SSE) and State Forest Service (SFS) Prelims Exam 2020.

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has released the provisional answer key for the State Service Exam (SSE) and State Forest Service (SFS) Prelims Exam 2020. Candidates can check and download the answer keys from Commission’s official website and raise objections, if any, at on or before the seventh day from the released of the answer key.
The MPPSC SSE, SFS Prelims 2020 was conducted on July 25 in two shifts — Paper 1 from 10.00 AM to 12.00 noon and Paper 2 from 2.15 PM to 4.15 PM.
Steps to download the answer key
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on “Provisional Answer Key - State Service & State Forest Service Preliminary Examination 2020”
- The answer key will appear on the screen
- Check and download the answer key
- Raise objections, if any
Here’s the direct link to the answer key.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total f 235 vacancies across various departments of the Madhya Pradesh government. The State Forest Service Exam 2020 is being held for recruitment to 105 posts of Forest Ranger and 6 posts of Assistant Conservator of Forest.