IGNOU admission July 2021 session re-registration deadline extended till August 31
Students will now be able to register for admission on University’s official website ignou.ac.in till August 31 at ignou.ac.in.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has once again extended the deadline for online submission of admission and re-registration forms for various UG and PG programmes offered in the July 2021 session.
Students will now be able to register for admission on University’s official website ignou.ac.in till August 31 for different open and distance learning (ODL) and online programmes. The previous deadline was August 16.
- Link for ODL mode Programmes Admission Portals: ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in
- Link for Online mode Programmes Admission Portals: ignouiop.samarth.edu.in
- Link for IGNOU July 2021 re-registration: ignou.samarth.edu.in/index.php/site/login
Steps to register for IGNOU July 2021 session
- Visit IGNOU admission portal ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in
- Go to ‘Register Online’ section and select ‘Fresh Admission’
- Click on the button ‘NEW REGISTRATION’ and complete registration
- Login and fill application form, select course, upload documents
- Pay fee and submit form
- Download form and take printout
IGNOU offers over 200 ODL programmes and 16 online programmes. A list of programmes and other information are available on the websites.
A registration fee of Rs 200 is applicable. Candidates are advised to read about the courses offered by IGNOU in detail at the ‘Programme Information’ tab on the University’s website. The Prospectus can also be downloaded from the website.
For ODL programmes, SC, ST students can avail the fee exemption facility. However, the facility is for only one programme per admission cycle.