IBPS RRB Clerk prelims result 2021 declared at ibps.in; here’s how to check score here
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared the result of the RRB Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Preliminary exam 2021.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared the result of the RRB Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Preliminary exam 2021. Registered candidates can check their result online at the official website ibps.in.
The IBPS RRB Clerk prelims 2021 was held on August 14 in the online mode at various centers throughout the country. The exam comprised of an objective-type multiple choice test conducted for 45 minutes. A total of 800 questions were asked for a total 80 marks.
The result can be viewed only till September 9. Qualified candidates are eligible to appear for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Main exam.
Steps to check IBPS RRB Clerk result 2021:
- Visit the official website ibps.in
- Click on “Click here to view your result status of Online Preliminary Exam for CRP-RRBs-X Office Assistant (Multipurpose).”
- Key in your Registration No/ roll number and Password/ DOB (DD-MM-YY)
- The IBPS RRB Clerk prelims scorecard will appear on screen
- Download scorecard and take a print for future reference.
Here’s direct link to check IBPS RRB Clerk prelims result 2021.
The IBPS exam is being conducted for recruitment to thousands of Group “B”-Office Assistant (Multipurpose) posts at Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).
Last week, IBPS announced the RRB PO result 2021 for Officers Scale-I prelim exam.