BPSC 67th CCE Prelims exam date postponed
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has postponed the exam date of the 67th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Exam (CCE).

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has postponed the exam date of the 67th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Exam (CCE). Candidates can check the exam notice at the official website bpsc.bih.nic.in.
BPSC will conduct the 67th CCE Prelims exam on May 8 (Sunday). The Commission will issue a detailed exam schedule soon.
The exam was earlier scheduled to be conducted on May 7. The Commission said it has decided to extend the exam date due to clashes with CBSE board exams.
The recruitment drive is being conducted for the recruitment to 726 posts in the Bihar state government. The applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Personality Test.