HPPSC HPAS answer key 2022 released
HPPSC has released the HP Administrative Service preliminary exam 2021 provisional answer keys.

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has released the HP Administrative Service preliminary exam 2021 provisional answer keys. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check and download the same from the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in.
The HPPSC HPAS prelim exam 2021 was held on October 16.
Candidates may raise objections, if any, against the released answer key till October 25. Objection(s) along with documentary proof can only be submitted either in person or by post or through courier. Submission of objection(s) through e-mail will not be entertained/ considered, reads the notification.
Steps to download HPAS answer key 2022:
- Visit the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on “Provisional Answer Keys of HP Administrative Services (Prlm) Combined Competitive Examination-2021” under What’s New section
- The HPPSC HPAS answer key will appear on the screen
- Check and download the answer key.