OSSC CGLRE notification 2024 out for 173 posts; apply from Nov 29
Candidates can apply for the exam at ossc.gov.in from November 29 onwards.

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has released the notification for the Combined Graduate Level Recruitment Examination for Group-B & Group-C Specialist Posts/Services-2024 (CGLRE Specialist-2024) under different Departments/HoDs of Govt. of Odisha. (Advt. No.4614/OSSC Dt.19.11.2024). Eligible candidates can apply for the exam at ossc.gov.in from November 29 to December 28, 2024.
The application correction window will close on January 2, 2025. The exam is tentatively scheduled to be conducted in the first quarter (January-March) of 2025. The recruitment aims to fill 173 vacancies, of which 169 vacancies are for Assistant Statistical Officer posts and 4 for Statistical Assistant posts.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: 21 years to 38 years as on January 1, 2024.
Educational Qualification:
ASO: Bachelor’s degree in Arts/ Science with Statistics/ Applied Statistics/ Economics/ Mathematical Economics/ Mathematics/ Sociology/ Computer Science/ Computer Application as Honours/ Major subject or Degree in Commerce/ Data Science.
SA: Bachelor’s degree in Arts/ Science with Honours in Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Application/ Physics/ Economics/ Applied Economics/ Agriculture Economics or having degree in Commerce.
Selection Process
The applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of Preliminary exam, Main exam, and Certificate Verification.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.