APPSC 2018 Nov Departmental Test: Viva Voce results declared at
The Commission conducted the departmental test for 67 state government departments.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has declared the viva voce results for the 2018 November Departmental Test on January 23rd. All the candidates who had appeared for the viva-voce session of the test can check the result at the official website,
The departmental tests were conducted for 67 AP government departments and the notification was released in August 2018 and the application process was conducted in the month of September. The written tests were conducted in the month of November. The Viva Voce were conducted in December and January of 2018-19.
The candidates can check the result at the official website or click on the direct link to access the results page. The page has list of all the departments for which exams were conducted. Candidates can click on the relevant link against the exam/department which will open of a PDF containing hall ticket numbers of candidates that have cleared the exam.