IAF CASB Airmen admit card to be released today; check at airmenselection.cdac.in
The admit card link will get activated at the 11.00 am today at the official website.

Indian Air Force Central Airmen Selection Board (CASB) will be releasing the admit card for the selection test for Airmen Recruitment for unmarried male today, February 27th, at 11.00 am. The candidates who have registered to appear for the exam can check the official website, airmenselection.cdac.in, to download the admit card.
The candidates will also get information on their email and their mobile phones about the availability of the admit card.
UPDATE: The admit card is released. Check on this link for more details.
The CASB will be conducting the exam from March 14th to March 17th, 2019 for Airmen Recruitment for unmarried male citizens of India and Nepal for Intake/Entry 01/2020. The examination centres are scattered across India for the recruitment. The online registration for the recruitment was conducted from January 2nd to January 21st, 2019.
How to download the CASB admit card:
- Visit the official website of CASB.
- The log-in link will get activated at 11.00 am. Click on the link and enter the log-in details.
- The admit card will be displayed.
- The candidates should download and take a coloured print out of the same..
The online test will be conducted for both Group X trade and Group Y trades. Group X online exam will comprise of 60-minute duration with questions from English, Physics and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus, wheres the Group Y exam will consist of 45-min paper on English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
The candidates who clear the exam will have to go through document verification, physical test, adaptability test, and medical examination. The candidates can get the details of the selection criteria and exam pattern in this link.