NATA 2019 Second attempt admit card released; download from
The COA conducts the national-level NATA exam for admissions to first year of B.Arch degree.

The Council for Architecture (COA) has released the admit card for the second attempt for the NATA 2019 examination today, June 27th, 2019. All the candidates who have applied to appear in the exam can download the admit card from the official website,
NATA exam scores are used for admissions to the first year of B.Arch degree. The second attempted exam for 2019 is scheduled to be conducted on July 7th. The first attempt exam was conducted April 14th and the result was declared on May 4th, 2019.
NATA candidates can download the admit card from this direct link.
The NATA exam consists 200 marks and will be divided into two sessions. The first session of 60 minutes for 120 marks consists Mathematics and General Aptitude questions. The second session for 120 minutes and 80 marks is for architectural drawing.
How to download NATA 2019 exam admit card:
- Visit the official NATA 2019 candidate
- Click on the link to download the admit card for the July 7th exam.
- Enter the Application Number and Password and click on ‘Login’.
- The admit card will appear which has to be printed out.