AIIMS MBBS 2019: First allotment result issued; check at
Candidates allocated seats in the first allotment round will have to take action on the website regarding the allocation by 5.00 pm of July 4th.

All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has issued the First Allotment result for the AIIMS MBBS-2019 counselling today, June 30th, 2019. Candidates who have applied to appear for the counselling (AIIMS) can check the first allotment result at the official website,
The candidates who have been allocated seats have to take against the allocation at the official website. The process of taking action will start from July 1st at 5.00 pm and the action needs to be taken by July 4th (5.00 pm). The candidates have four choices, either to accept or decline the allocated seat and wish or do not wish to participate in further allotment rounds.
In case of accepting the allocation (irrespective of the choice of whether to participate in the future rounds), the candidate is required to report to respective AIIMS by 5.00 pm on Thursday, 4 th July, 2019 with a printed copy of the chosen option and complete the formalities as required. Full details of the rules of allocation can be accessed at the bottom of the allotment list.
Candidates can access the AIIMS MBBS 2019 first allotment result in this direct link. The candidates are advised to go through the list of documents needed to complete the formalities and other instructions carefully.
Following documents are needed to complete the formalities:
i) Offer Letter
ii) Registration Slip
iii) Admit Card issued by AIIMS.
iv) Self attested copy of certificate in proof of passing the 12th class under 10+2 Scheme/Senior School Certificate Examination/Intermediate Science or an equivalent examination from a recognized Board.
v) Self attested copy of certificate from the Board showing his/her date of birth.
vi) Self attested copy of mark-sheet of the qualifying examination i.e. 12th class under 10+2 Scheme/Intermediate Science or an equivalent examination in proof of having secured 60% or more marks (50% in case of SC/ST in aggregate in the subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology).
vii) The Candidate should also bring the following certificate, if applicable: a. SC/ST Certificate issued by the competent authority and should be in English or Hindi in language. Community should be clearly mentioned in the certificate. b. OBC Certificate issued by the competent authority for central Govt. jobs/for admission in Central Govt. College/Institute. The sub-caste should tally with the Central List of OBC. OBC Candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. OBC certificate must be in the Central Govt. Format as prescribed in the Prospectus. c. Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board as mentioned in the Prospectus. d. Candidates must note that a certificate from any other person/authority will not be accepted and no further correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The name, designation and the seal of the officer should be legible in the certificate.
AIIMS had conducted the MBBS entrance examination on May 25th and May 26th, 2019 and the result was declared on June 12th, 2019. The examination is conducted for admissions to the MBBS course offered by the prestigious institution at the 15 AIIMS centres spread throughout the country.