WBPSC 2019 Women Supervisor Recruitment exam venue details released at pscwbonline.gov.ina
The exam is scheduled to be conducted on September 1st, 2019 and the call letter can be downloaded from the website.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the exam venue details for the exam that is being conducted for the recruitment of 2019 Supervisor (Female) of ICDS on August 30th. The venue details for all the candidates can be accessed on the official WBPSC website, pscwbonline.gov.in.
The venue details have been released in two batches. The first batch was released in the early evening and an addendum to include Berhampore centres was released later in the evening.
Candidates can access the centre details for all the centres except Berhampore in this direct link. Berhampore centre details are available in this link.
WBPSC is set to conduct the examination for the recruitment drive on September 1st 2019 throughout the state from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm. Candidates who have not downloaded the admit card for the exam can download them now from this link.
The notification for the recruitment drive for the Integrated Child Development Scheme under the department of Women & Child Development & Social Welfare was released in the month of March.
The application process was conducted from March 14th to April 16th. There are total 2,900 vacancies to be filled by this recruitment drive.
The recruitment will consist of three stages, the first being the preliminary test comprising of objective multiple type questions. This screening test will be followed up by Written examination and selective no of candidates based on merit in the written exam will be called for the viva-voce test.