TSPSC Group 2 Services provisional result declared at tspsc.gov.in; check for direct link
A total number of 1027 candidates have been made it to the final selection provisionally for Telangana Group 2 Services.

Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has declared the provisional result for the 2015-16 Group II Services examination today, October 24th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the interview round for the recruitment can check the result at the official website, tspsc.gov.in.
A total number of 1027 candidates have made it to the final list for the Group 2 Services. The candidates need to be physical fit and should produce the original certificates for the final appointment.
TSPSC Group 2 Services result can be accessed in this link.
The written examination for the recruitment was conducted on 11/11/2016 and 13/11/2016, verificationof certificates held on 12/06/2017 & 21/09/2017 to 27/09/2017 & 05.12.2018 ,06-12-2018&27/06/2019 and 20/08/2019,interviews held from 1/07/2019 to 27/08/2019, and now the result has been declared.
How to check TSPSC Group 2 Services result:
- Visit the TSPSC official home page.
- Under ‘What’s New’ section, click on the link to check the result.
- The PDF will have the roll numbers of all the successful candidates along with all the necessary details.