WB Police 2018 Constable PET/PMT admit card released at wbpolice.gov.in
WB Police will conduct the PET/PMT round for the Constable recruitment in the months of December and January.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the admit card for the 2018 Constable recruitment PET/PMT round today, November 22nd. Candidates who have cleared the preliminary exam can download the call letter from the official website, wbpolice.gov.in.
WB Police will conduct the Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Measurement Test for Constable recruitment from December 3rd to January 7th. Candidates are advised to go through the admit card carefully for the exact date, time, and venue of the PET/PMT round.
Here is the direct link to download the WB Police Constable admit card.
Candidates who have cleared the preliminary exam are eligible to participate in the PET/PMT round. The result for the preliminary exam was declared on November 19th.
A total number of 8419 vacancies are being filled through this vacancy drive. After the PMT/PET round, candidates will need sit for the final written exam before the final result is announced. The preliminary exam was conducted on August 4th and the admit card for the same was released on July 18th, 2019.
How to download the WB Police admit card:
1. Visit the WB Police official website.
2. Click on the link to download the WB Police Constable PET/PMT admit card.
3. The recruitment page will open where link to download the admit card will be available. Click on it.
4. Select the relevant recruitment and enter the log-in details and submit.
5. The admit card will get downloaded and that needs to be printed ouit.