SSC CHSL 2017 final result declared at
A total number of 5874 candidates against the same number of vacancies have been recommended for final selection.

Staff Selection Commission or SSC, as expected, released the final result for the 2017 Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) examination on December 20th. Candidates who had appeared for the Tier III level of the exam can check if they have made it to the final selection at the official website,
The result notification stated that a total number of 5,874 candidates have been recommended for the final appointment against the same number of vacancies. Of the final recommendations, 6 are for DEO, 3222 for PA/S, and 1366 are for LDC/JSA/JPA positions. The result which can be accessed in this direct link also has breakdown of candidates selected cut-off marks.
Here is the direct link to accessed the CHSL 2017 final result.
SSC CHSL test is conducted to fill vacancies for Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Postal Assistant (PA)/Sorting Assistant (SA), and for Data Entry Operators (DEO).
Here is how to check the result of CHSL 201:
- Log in to the official SSC website.
- Click on ‘Result’ on top menu and click on ‘CHSL’.
- Click on the link under the ‘Result’ column.
- One can search with the name or roll number in the document.