BHU UET/PET 2020 admit card: No update on admit card release date
The admit card for the 1st phase of UET and PET exam was supposed to be released on August 17.

Banaras Hindu University is yet to release admit card for the first phase of UET and PET 2020 examination on its official website. The university is yet to provide any update on the revised release date.
The first phase of the entrance exams are scheduled to begin from August 24 and the admit cards were expected to be released 7 days before the exam.
All candidates are requested to keep checking the official website, bhuonline,in, for latest updates on the admit card.
Along with the admit card, it is expected that the university will also release the timetable for the second phase of the exam scheduled to begin from September 9.
The first phase of entrance exams will be conducted for LLB (3 years), B.Ed/ B.Ed Special Education, B.P.Ed, BFA, and BPA entrance exams. The second phase is for BA Hons Arts, BA Hons Social Science, BCom Hons, BCom-FMM, BSc Hons Ag, BA-LLB (5 years), BSc Hons Maths, BSc Hons Biology, Shastri Hons, and B.Voc.
Here is the direct links to access the BHU entrance exam schedule for the first phase.