TNTRB recruitment 2021: 1598 vacancies for Special Teachers’ Post notified; apply from March 31
Interested candidates can apply for the vacancies at the TNTRB website from March 31, 2021.

Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has released a notification announcing the direct recruitment for the post of Special Teachers in School Education and other departments for the year 2020-2021. Interested candidates can apply for the vacancies at the TNTRB website from March 31, 2021.
Candidates can submit their application forms by April 25 till 5.00 PM, after which the link will be disabled.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 1598 vacancies, of which, 801 posts are for Physical Education Teacher, 91 for Music Teacher, 365 for Art Master, 341 for Craft Instructor(sewing) posts. Also, a few backlog vacancies to be added (to be published separately after finalising the previous recruitment notified vide notification number 5/2017 dated: 26.07.2017), read the notification.
Important Dates:
- Commencement of submission of application: March 31
- Last date for submission of application: April 25
- Date of Written Examination: August 27
Eligibility Criteria:
Age Limit:
The upper age limit of the applicant is 40 years as on July 2021. Upper age limit relaxation applicable to candidates falling under the reserved category.
Educational Qualifications:
- Craft Instructor: The candidate must have passed Class 12. Also, a certificate in needle work and dress making (Higher Grade) and Embroidery (Higher Grade)/ Diploma in Costume Designing and Dress makings issued by the Board of 10 Technical Education and Training, Chennai/Industrial School Certificate and Technical Teacher’s certificate. More details in the notification.
- Art Master: The candidate must have passed Class 12 and hold a Degree in Drawing and Painting from a recognised University in the State approved by UGC or its equivalent. More details in the notification.
- Music Teacher: The candidate must have passed Class 12. The candidates should hold a Diploma in Music Teaching awarded by the Director of Government Examinations. More details in the notification.
- Physical Education Teacher: The candidate must have passed Class 12. The candidate should hold a Diploma in Physical Education of duration not less than two years (or its equivalent) from National Council for Teacher Education recognized institution. More details in the notification.
Here’s the direct link to read the notification.
Application Fee:
The candidates are required to pay the application fee of Rs 500, whereas, the candidates falling under the reserved category have to pay the fee of Rs 250.
Selection Procedure:
The selection will be based on two successive stages: Computer-based examination and Certificate Verification.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.