UP BEd JEE 2021 entrance exam date announced; check details here
The UP JEE BEd will be conducted on July 30 in two shifts at 75 districts of the state.

The University of Lucknow has announced the Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Exam BEd (UP JEE BEd) examination date today at lkouniv.ac.in. The UP JEE BEd will be conducted on July 30 in two shifts. As many as 5,91,305 candidates will appear for the examination at 75 districts of the state.
Also, 14 nodal centres have been made for the examination, reads the notification.
The same has been notified Twitter by the University of Lucknow.
UP JEE B.Ed examination dates announced. परीक्षा 30 जुलाई, 2021 को प्रदेश के 75 ज़िलों के विभिन्न केंद्रों में दो पालियों में संपन्न की जायेंगी। सभी को सफल परीक्षा परिणाम की शुभकामनाएं। pic.twitter.com/zSGuYfQfee
— University of Lucknow (@lkouniv) July 8, 2021
Earlier, UP BEd entrance exam 2021 was scheduled to be held on May 19 but got postponed due to Covid-19 situation in the state.
UP BEd JEE 2021 exam is conducted by the University of Lucknow. Only Government and Aided institutions have been made test centre as per last year.
The entrance examination will consist of two objective type question paper Paper 1 and Paper 2. Both papers will have two parts of 50 questions each. Paper 1 will have General Knowledge and Hindi language questions and Paper 2 will comprise General Aptitude Test, and Subject Aptitude Arts/ Science/ Commerce/ Agriculture).
As notified, the examination will be held in two shifts — from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Lucknow University is all set to organize the Uttar Pradesh JEE BEd exam 2021 with complete COVID 19 protocols, reports TIMESNOWNEWS.
For more details candidates are advised to visit the official website here.