‘It is the only planet with trees and cheetahs’: Children explain why climate action is crucial
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‘My only goal was to touch snow’: Young tourist visiting Kashmir regrets that it didn’t snow
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Watch: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo’s son celebrates goal by imitating father’s iconic ‘Siu’ move
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Watch: Teacher saves child from choking on a bottle cap in New Jersey, USA
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Two years on, Covid-19 has taken a severe toll on the mental health of youngsters and psychologists
Deepanshu Mohan Ada Nagar Vanshika Mittal Jignesh Mistry Ruhi Nadkarni Rajan Mishra Isha Khurana Mohd Rameez Tavleen Kaur
Watch: These professional-looking cakes have actually been decorated by a four-year-old
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‘Wanna know what it sounds like?’: Young boys who met online during pandemic create music together
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Watch: Very young girl makes herself up to look just like her pet dog
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‘Didn’t have a girl child in entire family’: Parents bring their first daughter home in helicopter
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Watch: Ameera, the latest addition to ‘Sesame Street’, is a wheelchair user and plays sports
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A new book by a bariatric surgeon examines how childhood obesity is becoming rampant in urban India
Sanjay Borude
Resume mid-day meals for children, says Sonia Gandhi in Lok Sabha
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‘Like all other mothers everywhere, I am worried’: Comedian Aiyyo Shraddha as ‘Mrs Kulkarni’
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Covid-19: File status report on vaccination of children under 12, Delhi High Court tells Centre
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Watch: ‘Batman’ and ‘Wonder Woman’ become goalkeepers for football match at refugee centre in Poland
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Watch: More than a hundred strollers displayed in Lviv, Ukraine in honour of children killed in war
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Watch: The moment a young boy on a zip line ride bumped into a sloth doing its own slow journey
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Watch: Four-year-old acts out his despair before getting on the bus for preschool
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Parental smoking can affect children’s academic scores and behavioural outcomes
Preety Pratima Srivastava, The Conversation
Watch: President of North Macedonia walks girl with Down’s Syndrome to school after she was bullied
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