Watch: 2022 Booker Prize shortlisted authors answer readers’ questions about their nominated books
The winner will be declared on October 17.

13 dead, 101 rescued after Navy speedboat crashes into Elephanta ferry off Mumbai coast
West Bengal launches own housing scheme after Centre stops PM Awas Yojana funds to state
What the uproar over Atul Subhash’s death by suicide says about gender relations in India
The ugly history of Boer prisoner-of-war camps in India
Five ways to supercharge your daily walk
Through stories of food, Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee examines how economics influences culture
Lifespan vs ‘healthspan’: The importance of muscle strength in living longer
India banned CamScanner four years ago but government agencies are still using it
‘Matter of shame: Adityanath’s remarks about UP workers going to Israel spark Opposition outcry
To speed up clearance, India’s polluting industries no longer need dual approvals