If this were a Bollywood movie, the man in the video above would probably be making his way on a white mare to propose to the love of his life, who slogs away in a corporate office dreaming of eloping with said man. At the end of the movie, we would have seen them riding away into the sunset on the horse.

But life isn’t Bollywood. And the man in the video wasn’t making any big proclamations of love. Instead, he was protesting against the mind-boggling traffic in Bengaluru by riding a horse to work – and also celebrating his last day of work as a software employee at a firm.

Roopesh Kumar Verma did attract a lot of attention when he rode on the white horse to his office at the Embassy Golf Links campus. Apparently, however, it took him a ridiculous seven hours to reach his office – he left from his residence at 7 am, according to Deccan Herald, and reached the office at 2 pm.

Verma – who was born in Pilani, Rajasthan and has been working in Bengaluru for eight years – intends to launch his own start-up soon. There is no information on whether the horse will join him. We hope he picks an office near home.

Here are some pictures from his adventure on horseback.