UPSC IES/ISS 2021 interview schedule released; check details here
Eligible candidates can check the schedule on Commission’s official website

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the interview schedule of Indian Economic Service (IES) and Indian Statistical Service (ISS) 2021. Eligible candidates can check the schedule on Commission’s official website
As per the official notification, the personality test for Indian Statistical Service Examination 2021 will be conducted on November 29 and 30 in two shifts — 9.00 AM and 1.00 PM, whereas the personality test for Indian Economic Service Examination 2021 will be held on November 29, 30 and December 1, 2021.
A total of 53 candidates have been declared qualified to appear for the interview round/personality test.
The UPSC IES/ISS exam 2021 was held on July 16, 17 and 18 in two sessions: 9.00 AM to 12 noon and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. The result was declared on September 9, 2021.
Steps to check the interview schedule
- Visit the official website
- Click on “Interview Schedule: Indian Economic Service - Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2021” under What’s New section
- The schedule will appear on the screen
- Check and download the interview schedule
- Take a printout for future reference
Personality Test Schedule for IES Exam 2021.
Personality Test Schedule for ISS Exam 2021.
The recruitment aims to fill up 15 vacancies in Indian Economic Service and 11 in Indian Statistical Service.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.