RRB Paramedical city intimation letter, travel pass released
RRB has released the city intimation, travel pass details for the upcoming Paramedical categories recruitment.

Railway Recruitment Board has finally released the city intimation letter and travel pass for Paramedical recruitment. The board was expected to release the admit card yesterday but there was no sign of update till late evening. However, RRB seems to have released the call letter later at night on July 9th. Candidates can download their respective admit card from RRB site - rrbcdg.gov.in.
The Paramedical recruitment first stage Computer Based Test is scheduled to be held from July 19th onwards. The admit card and exam date details for the CBT I exam can be accessed from the regional websites. Along with the intimation letter, exam date and travel pass for SC/ST candidates can also be downloaded from the same link.
Here is the direct link to download the city intimation letter for RRB Paramedical recruitment
Candidates can download the city intimation letter using their registration number and date of birth details. In the first phase, the RRB will conduct the 2019 Paramedical recruitment computer-based test or CBT from July 19th to July 21st, 2019. The information was released in all RRB regional websites on July 3rd, 2019.
RRB had started the application process for Paramedical recruitment on March 4th, 2019 for 1937 vacancies and the application process went on until April 2nd, 2019. The notification with regard to the above details can be accessed at all RRB regional website. Also from the direct link here.