TNTRB registration for recruitment of 2098 teachers postponed; new dates to release soon
The Board will soon be releasing the new dates for the online applications at the TNTRB website

Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has announced the postponement of the online applications for recruitment to the post of Post Graduate Assistants, Physical Education Directors, and Computer Instructor on its official website. The Board will soon release the new dates for the commencement of the online applications at the TNTRB website
The Board took the decision to postpone the online application process due to technical reasons.
“For the kind attention of the candidates aspiring for Post Graduate Assistant / Physical Education Director Grade I/ Computer Instructor Grade I as per Notification No. 01/2021, dated 11.02.2021, it is informed that due to technical reasons the launching of online application portal is postponed. The date on which the online application will be available for the candidates will be informed shortly,” read the official notification.
Earlier, the application process was scheduled to be conducted from today, i.e., March 1, 2021.
Here’s the direct link to the released notification.
As per the previous reports, the recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 2,098 vacancies, including 235 backlog ones, in the Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Service. TNTRB will conduct a state-wide recruitment exam for the vacancies on June 26 and 27.
TNTRB vacancy details
Post | Vacancies | Qualification |
Post Graduate Assistant | 1785 | i) Post Graduate with atleast 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)/B.A.Ed /B.Sc. ii) Must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in the same subject. |
Physical Director Grade I | 39 | i) Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Health and Physical Education and Degree in Sports with at least 55% marks. ii) M.P.Ed. of at least 2 years duration. |
Computer Instructor Grade I (Post Graduate cadre) | 39 | i) Post Graduate with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) ii) Master’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science / M.Tech Degree in Computer Science / Computer Engineering /Information Technology / Software Engineering |
Total | 1863 | — |
The upper age limit of the applicants should not be 40 as on July 2021. Adequate knowledge of the language Tamil is compulsory for candidature.
The candidates are required to pay the online examination fee of Rs 500.
Selection Procedure:
The selection will be based on two successive stages: Computer-based examination and Certificate Verification. The online exam will consist of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 MCQs and candidates who secure a minimum of 50% marks alone are eligible for recruitment.
The list of provisionally selected candidates will be published on the TNTRB website. The final selection of the candidates is subject to fulfillment of necessary eligibility criteria and the decision of the Teachers Recruitment Board is final. The appointment orders for provisionally selected candidates will be issued by the Appointing Authority after due verification and subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria for appointments.
Here’s the direct link to the previously released notification.
For further information, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.