Watch: Grizzly bear charges at tourists, guide screams and stomps to scare it away
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Watch jaw-dropping video of a humpback whale closely swimming near a kayaker in Australia
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Watch: Baby seal delights a group of surfers as it hitches rides on their boards
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Watch: Curious langur gets on the counter, enjoys panipuri on the streets of Gujarat
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Watch: Jackal injured in road accident rescued, rehabilitated and released back into the wild
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Watch: Juno the rescue sea otter shows off basketball skills with repeated slam dunks
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Caught on camera: Killer whale rips off rudder blades of a boat on the deep seas
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Watch: Tiger advances cagily towards elephant, who forces it to retreat swiftly
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Watch: Pet dog joins buskers on the street as they sing, refusing to leave
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Watch: Three white tiger cubs are born in Chhattisgarh zoo, raising their count to nine
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Watch: Rescuers free humpback whale trapped in shark nets off Australian coast
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Watch: Pet dog passionately sings ‘Happy Birthday’ with family
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Watch: Elephant charges at safari jeep in Karnataka forest, driver reverses vehicle in time
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Watch: Staff cheers as dog shot during robbery gets discharged from hospital two months later
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Watch: Rare all-white panda caught on camera at nature reserve in Sichuan, China
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Caught on CCTV: Pet dog scares off curious bear that strayed into a home in the US
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Watch: How the sheriff’s team rescued a bear trapped inside a vehicle in Nevada, USA
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Caught on CCTV: Hungry bear walks into garage of bakery and helps itself to 60 cupcakes
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Watch: Woman takes pet lamb to polling station for Turkey’s presidential election
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Watch: Dog learns to play peek-a-boo with human
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