Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released 2018 GD constable answer keys on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019. Multiple outlets had earlier reported that the answer keys were released on April 27th, 2019, but the website did not reflect any update regarding the answer keys. Finally, the Commission released the answer keys yesterday at the official website,

The notification regarding the answer keys stated that the candidates can submit objections against the answer keys on or before May 5th, 2019 (5.00 pm). Each objection will attract a fee of Rs. 100/- which will be refunded if the objection is found to be genuine. The notification for the answer keys can be accessed in this link.

Candidates can access the answer keys in this direct link.

How to access SSC 2018 GD Constable answer keys:

  1. Visit the SSC official website.
  2. Click on the link to check the GD Constable answer keys under ‘Latest News’ section.
  3. A PDF document will open which will have a link to access the answer keys.
  4. A new page will open which will have a link to check the answer keys.
  5. Enter the log-in details to access the answer keys and link to raise objections.

The notification for the SSC GD Constable recruitment drive was released in July 2018 and the application process started in the month of August 2018. The initial total number of vacancy was 54,953; however, it was later increased to 58,737 of which 50,666 are for males and 8,307 are for females. SSC had conducted the GD Constable written exam from February 11th to March 11th in a phased manner.