TPSC JMO/GDMO 2021 result declared; check direct link here
TPSC has announced the Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer, Grade IV result on its official website

Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) has announced the Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer, Grade IV result on its official website. Candidates who have appeared for the interview round scheduled to be held from June 4 to 11 can check the result on TPSC’s official website
A total of 288 candidates were invited for the interview round. A total of 156 candidates have been shortlisted and recommended for appointment to the post of Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer.
The recruitment drive was being held to fill 164 JMO/GDMO vacancies.
“On the basis of API calculation sheet (Academic Performance Index) including 10 marks for the candidates who have performed duty of COvid-19 positive patients in the different health institutions of the Govt. of Tripura and marks obtaine din personality test/ interview....candidates have been found suitable and recommended for appointment to the post of JMO/GDMO of Grade-IV of THS,” read the notice.
Steps to check JMO/GDMO result
- Visit the official website
- Click on “Recommendation list for the post of Junior Medical Officer/General Duty Medical Officer...” under What’s New section
- The list of candidates will appear on the screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to the result.
All the shortlisted candidates will be verified by the concerned department as per terms and condition of eligibility before issuing offer of appointment.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.