Upper-caste quota: Constitution does not allow reservation for economically weak, says Chelameswar
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Supreme Court upholds Allahabad High Court order on department-wise reservation in faculty posts
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Jat leaders threaten to vote for Mayawati if BJP government does not grant quota: Report
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Your Morning Fix: Centre to enforce quotas in private educational institutions starting July 2019
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Modi government wants private universities to implement quotas – but who will pay student fees?
Shreya Roy Chowdhury
Reservations will be extended to private institutions from 2019 academic year, says Javadekar
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Upper-caste quota: Lawyer Indra Sawhney thinking about challenging law in Supreme Court
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The big news: President clears bill providing 10% quota for upper castes, and nine other top stories
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Upper caste reservations: President Ram Nath Kovind signs bill into law
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Upper-caste quota: Ministry’s Lok Sabha reply is proof of how last-minute the 10% move was
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In Hindi heartland, Modi’s 10% upper caste quota may rally Dalits and OBCs against the BJP
Akash Bisht
Upper caste quota: Rajya Sabha passes bill to provide 10% reservation to the economically backward
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Upper caste quota: Economist Amartya Sen says draft law indicates ‘muddled thinking’
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Not quite slam poetry: Watch Ramdas Athawale recite his poem in the Lok Sabha on the quota Bill
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Modi’s 10% upper caste quota is a political gamble that may backfire (just like demonetisation)
Ajaz Ashraf
‘It’s a lollipop’: Opposition leaders question intent and timing of Modi’s 10% upper caste quota
Akash Bisht
Top news: Supreme Court to pronounce verdict tomorrow on CBI Director Alok Verma’s plea
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Your Morning Fix: Will Marathas be given reservation in jobs, education?
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Maratha quota: Panel submits report to Maharashtra government, recommends reservation
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No one has the power to do away with reservation, says Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar
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