HSSC 2018 Constable recruitment final result released
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APSLPRB Constable final exam dates released; download admit card from March 6th
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CISF Head Constable Recruitment 2019: Last day to apply at
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UPPRPB constable recruitment final result released at
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RPF Constable Group A, B, F answer keys released; check at
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WB Police Male Constable recruitment 2018 PET/PMT admit card released at
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HSSC releases Constable PST results at
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WB Police Constable Recruitment 2018 written exam result declared at
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WB Police Constable recruitment 2019 application process begins; check here for details
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WB Police Constable Recruitment 2019: 8419 male constable vacancies released
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Haryana HSSC 2018 constable and SI written exam result declared at
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AP SLPRB PC PET/PMT hall ticket released; check at
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CISF Constable/Driver Recruitment 2017: Admit card for written exam released; check at
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BSF recruitment 2019: Around 1750 Constable vacancies announced
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UPPBPB UP Constable Recruitment admit card released; check for direct link
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APSLPRB SCT police constable final answer keys released; corrections to not affect the final merit
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HSSC Constable Recruitment 2018: Answer keys released at
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RPF Constable Recruitment 2018: Call letter for Group A, B, and F released; check at rpfonlinereg.or
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UPPRPB releases Constable PET exam admit card; download from
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UP Police Vacancies 2018: Apply for 49,568 UP Police posts from November 19th at
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